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tyGraph for OneDrive - Product Guide


This is a summary of all tooltips on the latest tyGraph for OneDrive report. All tooltip items are brief descriptions of the visual and calculation, limited to 250 characters. Bolded Help – items are for help icons that are backed by a tooltip page.


Universal Items – Toolbar 

  1. This box shows you the report's release date and the version of the tyGraph engine.
  2. Looking for more information? Click here for detailed articles and terms on our website!
  3. This shows you the report period for the page you are on at glance. This is very important if you have filters applied either from the slicers on the canvas or from the filter UI on the right
  4. This shows the most recent date in the dataset. If the date is behind what you expect, check if the dataset has refreshed. If you are in tyGraph Online please contact support or your Admin immediately.
  5. Logo: Navigates to our website.

OneDrive Overview

1. This card shows a ratio of the number of drives with activity for the report period and total drives that have existed for the same time period. 

2. This card shows a ratio of the number of teams involved in a message, reaction or mention for the report period and the number of total existing teams for the same period of time.

3. Engaged drives have had usage change activity for the report period. A drive is counted once regardless activity volume. The gauge baseline is total existing One Drives. For a full list of counted usage see the drill down on usage in the activity type donut chart.

4. An engaged external user is external to the tenant and has taken any act of engagement for the report period. The baseline of this measure is engaged internal users for the report period to show what proportion of engaged users were external.

5. Analyze your tenant (engaged users numbers/percentage) by activity type in this donut chart. You can drill down to see the full list of activities under each category or you can view all activity at the detailed level using double down arrows above the visual.

6. This table shows a full list of drives with some stats related to it (file numbers, number of file and sync activity, number of both internal and external users, storage quota used by them etc. ). Activity is a total of all activities. Files is all files, Engaged users are distinct users who had any form of activity for the report period.

7. This visual shows your adoption journey in One Drive Business by different level of time frame which can be drilled up/down. This visual contains a dynamic date axis which can be manipulated using the up and double down icons in the visual header. Watch users move through the five phases of One Drive adoption (non engaged & licensed users, file usage only, usage & sharing only, usage & sync only, and all three activities) with the counts.

8. Total unique engaged users based on their adoption pattern and segmented by organizational unit. This visual contains a dynamic hierarchy which allows you to use the up and double down arrows to change the aggregation all the way down to user email.

9. Clicking this globe icon will show you activities by user location. You can drill up to see activities by country, and continent level.


Non Adoption Detail

1. This donut chart shows the percentage of Unique Non-Engaged Users and Licensed members in the report period.

2. This bar chart shows the number of total unique licensed, non engaged users by organizational hierarchy for the report period. This can be manipulated using the hierarchy arrows at the top of the visual allowing you to see various slices of the company. 

3. This map shows the total unique licensed, non engaged users by AD profile location hierarchy for the re. This can be manipulated using the hierarchy arrows at the top of the visual allowing you to see various slices of user profile locations.  

4. A list of exactly which users have had no audit activity in OneDrive for Business in the report period. This can be exported to excel by clicking the ellipsis (…) in the top right of this visual.


5. This table shows license names, the number of non engaged users, consumed units, company wide percentage etc. by the licenses assigned for the report period.

One Drive Storage

1. Engaged drives mean the drives which are not idle and have had usage activity for the report period. A drive is counted once regardless of activity volume. The gauge baseline is total existing One Drives. 

2. Files with activity are a count taken of any file that has had a usage against it for the report period. This is taken from the “Files Accessed” measure. A file is counted only once regardless of activity volume. The baseline is total existing files.

3. This gauge shows the total storage used across the selected drives for the report period. The gauge baseline is the total space for the selected drives. This is a great gauge to keep your eye on when between timeframes or selecting several owners in the table of the right side.

4. This table shows drive statistics by each owner. You can sort by any column by clicking the column title at the top. This table shows how many files are there in each drive, average files accessed percentage, number of file & sync activity, their used storage etc.

5. This visual indicates the one Drive adoption for the report period. It shows total storage used in (GB), avg number of accessed files and avg number of files on the drives. This visual has a month and date hierarchy. This means you can select the double down arrows at the top of the visual to change the axis between date and month.

6. This card shows the total number of meeting recordings for the report period.

7. This card shows the total number of Teams chat files for the report period.

8. This line chart shows how many users were involved in meetings recording and teams activity by date hierarchy for the report period. We can drill up/down to see the stats for different level of time.

Content Variety

1. This table is a total of all drive activity by content type for engaged members and drives for the report period.

2. This table shows the changing trends of file users and usage for three categories: different Owner job titles, different owner city and different file extensions. We can drill up/down to view the stats from different hierarchies.

3. This graph shows the number of activities, engaged drives and engaged members for different file extensions. You can drill up to see the stats in different levels. 

4. In this line chart, you can see the trends of activities, engagement of drives and members over time. You can drill up and down to see the trends for different level of time.

5. This graph shows the number of different file activities for engaged drives and engaged members. You can drill up to see the stats in different levels.



Sync Activity

1. This card shows you the number of drives without sync for a certain period of time. 

2. Use this to filter to drives that have not had sync or file usage in a certain period of time in the table below.

3. The total unique number of drives that have not had sync or file usage in specified days. You can drill down to see the drive names or drives owned by users from various levels of the organization.

4. Total of all sync activities by files. This contains a month and day axis which can be manipulated using the drill down icons in the visual header. This considers both file usage events and sync activities as sync. 

5. This chart shows sites by the latest sync or file usage date and volume. This is best used to sort by using combinations of the latest sync date and the total drive users to decide which Drives are being used.

6. This shows the number of highly synced drives for the last two weeks.

7. This table shows the percentage of sync activities change for the drives is shown in this table. We are showing the percentage of drives on the left that have sync or file usage compared with the total number of drives owned by that organizational unit.

8. File Sync and Sync Activity by users against files in the given drive(s) for the report period. This allows you to see the number of users also accessing documents in the same drive other than the owner. This visual can be drilled up/down to see the stats from different hierarchies.

9. This card shows the percentage of synced drives among all the drives for the report.

10. This card shows the total number of file usage or sync users.

11. If we click this card, we can see the details and stats of the drives that have never been synced.



Shared Content

1. This card shows us the number of drives with sharing contents for the report period.

2. This card shows all secured invitations created for that report period. This is when a user shared a resource in Share Point online or One Drive for business with a specific user inside or outside your organization's directory.

3. This card shows the number of anonymous invitations for the report period. This is when a user shared a resource in Share Point online or One Drive for business via an anonymous link (also called an "Anyone" link).

4. This card shows the total number of users accessing resources outside your organization's directory for the report period.

5. This chart shows the sharing invitations and non-owner activity over time. This includes a drill down option to switch from the default Month Year axis to Date.

6. This table shows total sharing activities by drive owner organization hierarchy for the report period. So this does not count the activity of that department or user but any sharing/sharing used activity on their drives regardless of if it was them or someone else.

7. This table shows total sharing invitations and file usage by user organization hierarchy for the report period. You can drill up/down to see the stats from different organizational levels. This takes the perspective of the user making the action. This means activity taken by a user in that area regardless of the drive they shared or accessed shared content from.

8. This bar chart shows a simple total of all sharing activities by activity type for the report period. You can drill up/down to see the sharing activity counts for different file type hierarchies. This allows you to select a region, drive, user, or file in the neighboring visuals and see exactly what activities were occurring for your context.

9. This map shows file usage activity by user AD profile location for the report period. Often users will generate access events against documents that have been shared with them and you will see this plotted by user location here.

10. This bar chart shows the count of sharing activity by drive names for the report period. 

Who and how are my users sharing content? This compares users where they generated a sharing link. This includes all four link types:

  • AnonymousLinkCreated = Link “Anyone with the link” 
  • Company Link Created ="People in xyz with the link" 
  • SecureLinkCreated = "People with Existing Access"
  • Added to Secure Link = "Added to Secure link" + "People with existing access" 

11. By clicking this, you can see the detailed stats (the location of the files, drive name where they are located, sharing invitations, number of engaged and external users, usages etc.) of the files that were shared recently for the report period. 
