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Service Bulletin: Microsoft Usage Data Degradation - October 4, 2023

Current Status:  OPEN 
Originally Issued:  25 September 2023 0:00 UTC

ISSUE RESOLUTION DATE:  Partial remediation achieved Oct. 25/23 - please refer to the Nov. 24/23 update below. Additional gains pending.

Impact Details:

SERVICE DEGRADATION NOTICE:  On or about September 21st, 2023, Microsoft started experiencing an issue with reporting services impacting SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business, resulting in incomplete usage reports for these Microsoft 365 (M365) services.  This issue is being tracked under the Microsoft advisory ID: SP676147.  As a result, this may have an impact on the tyGraph suite of products whereby new site objects may not be returned in the tyGraph reports.


Please note that we are actively working with Microsoft in an attempt to have this issue resolved.  As we receive updates from Microsoft, we will subsequently provide updates to our customer community.


In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our support technical staff at [email protected].

Service Bulletin Update:  as at 24-Nov-23

Headline:  tyGraph ELT-28004 (hot fix) released 25-Oct-23 supports "go forward" outage remediation and is working as expected.

  • ELT-28004 was deployed for SaaS customers on October 25th.
  • This update was subsequently made available for Customer-hosted clients the week of Oct. 30th. Upgrade support is available for these clients, as needed.
  • A follow on release, ELT-281, is in development and will provision addition remedies including Search-base Inventory.

Summary of Data Remediation and Ongoing Impacts:

  • ETL-28004 allows more Site Inventory to be harvested, including all active Sites, and most missing Usage data will be able to be backfilled on a "go-forward" basis.*
  • Customer-hosted set ups will have to install ELT-28004 in their environments. Operational support is available as needed.
  • Most visuals in tyGraph for SharePoint and tyGraph for OneDrive reports are working.
  • Inactive Sites and Non-Adoption Detail visuals are still impacted pending Search-based Inventory remediation.
  • Search-based Inventory will resolve remaining issues, but will not be available until ETL-281 is released (ETA TBD - date coming soon).

    *IMPORTANT NOTE: Our ETL fixes will NOT go back and update the Usage data collected during the Microsoft outage. The fixes will be "go-forward only". SharePoint Usage data that was "repeated" in your reports from prior dates will not change or be overwritten. Whatever is there now will remain as is. This effects Usage data only.

Report Scenarios for Additional Reference:

  • Data in the impacted Pulse visuals for both SharePoint and OneDrive will look unaffected as the fix repeats the previous days data if it is not in the harvest. This approach mends the gap ensuring the visuals will appear current.
  • During the outage SharePoint will be on average 90% up-do-date and OneDrive will be 75% up-to-date. The remaining 10 to 25% will have the last harvested data at the time of the outage repeated each day.
  • The Search-based Inventory fix should bring SharePoint to 100% accuracy, while OneDrive will remain at 75% until a Microsoft fix is in place (current ETA Jan/24). Once the Search-based Inventory fix is in place there will be a gap in data from the outage date to the fix implementation date.