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MAE Score by Community

This is a comparison of total MAE Score by date for your top communities.

Comparing Specific Communities

If you'd like to compare certain communities, you can select them in the Community Name filter. 

Can I see more than Five Communities?

Yes. We limit this to five communities to keep the visual tidy, but you can expand this limit if you would like to compare more than five in a single plot. (We suggest going into focus mode if you're doing this!)

  1. Click in the white space of the visual. (Power BI will show you visual level filters based on the visual that you have selected. )
  2. See the Community Name Filter. Expand that attribute. 
  3. Change the limit to whatever you like.

As stated above we suggest going into focus mode to analyze the trends of many groups. If you're running this on a laptop, surface, ipad, or other tiny screen this will be difficult to read without expanding.