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Power BI Fundamentals for tyGraph


What is Power BI?

Power BI is a feature-rich data visualization and analytics platform created by Microsoft. The Power BI ecosystem includes numerous applications and services. Of special importance to tyGraph users, is to understand the differences between Power BI Desktop and the Power BI Service.

Power BI Desktop is used to create reports and is installed on your local computer. Reports in Desktop get published to the Power BI Service. The Power BI Service is used to view reports in Microsoft 365.

Where can I find Power BI?

The Power BI Service can be found in Office 365 application launcher as Power BI.

Power BI Desktop is available as a free download from the Power BI Desktop website.

Dashboards, Reports and Datasets Explained

Dashboards, Reports and Datasets are the building blocks of most Power BI solutions. 

  1. Datasets are the foundation on which the solution is built. In tyGraph, the Dataset is your dedicated database that we populate with your M365 usage and analytics data.
  2. Reports are built using the data in the Dataset. Reports try to tell a story or answer analytic questions using different data visualizations like charts, graphs and so on. In tyGraph, Reports come delivered as part of your deployment.
  3. Sitting on top of Reports are Dashboards. Dashboards are a selection of pre-filtered Report data visualizations that provide quick insights for those key metrics that are most important to you and your organization. In tyGraph, Dashboards come delivered as part of your deployment.

My workspace, Workspaces and Apps explained

My workspace, Workspaces and Apps are locations in the Power BI Service that can be used to store, access, and share your Power BI solutions. There are slight differences that are important to understand.

  1. My workspace is your personal area of Power BI where you would store your own Power BI reports and data.
  2. Workspaces are shared areas in Power BI where groups collaborate, and report authors do their development. In tyGraph, you may be using Workspaces to share reports amongst your users.
  3. Apps are used to share reports amongst your users without having to give them access to the underlying Workspace. In tyGraph Apps are the preferred way to share reports amongst your users.

How to navigate in and between workspaces

  1. Clicking “Workspaces” will display all the group workspaces that you have access to. Do not be surprised to see other non-Power BI Groups listed as well. 
  2. Clicking your target workspace will bring into the workspace screen where you will see all the dashboards, reports and datasets associated with the solution
  3. Clicking a dashboard, report or dataset will bring you into that content.
  4. Click the workspace name to return to the workspace screen.

How to navigate between Apps

  1. Clicking “Apps” will display all the Apps that you have installed or that have been shared with you. Do not be alarmed if do not see any Apps yet as they need to be installed or shared with you first.
  2. Clicking your target App will bring you into the Apps default dashboard.
  3. Click “Go back” to return to the Apps home screen.

How to go work with reports.

Reports in Power BI are comprised of tabs, data visualizations and filters. All of which is intended to answer your analytic questions while still giving you the freedom to dive deeper into details or filter the data to suit your needs. The following sections will help you explore and get the most out of your data.

Report navigation

Power BI uses tabs to group information by subject matter. Clicking on the report tab name will allow you to navigate between tabs.

Interacting with report data visualizations

Most data visualizations include some of the following controls: 

  1. “Help tip” displays any contextual information explaining what the information in the visual is trying to convey. Almost all tyGraph report data visuals will have these populated.
  2. “Drill up” allows you to move up a level in the data hierarchy. For example, if we are looking at Province/State we could drill up to Country. 
  3. Once activated “Drill mode” allows you to move up and down the data hierarchy.
  4. “Go to the next level in the hierarchy” allows you to move down a level in the data hierarchy. Using our Province/State example we could drill down to City.
  5. “Expand all down one level in the hierarchy” allows you to jump to the last level of the data hierarchy. Using our Province/State example we could drill down to Postal Code/Zip Code skipping City.

Please note that not all data visualizations will include a data hierarchy. The presence of the "Drill" controls will indicate that there is a data hierarchy that can be traversed.

The “Focus mode” control will maximize the data visualization on the screen to allow you to further focus on the data presented.

Click “Back to report” to exit out of Focus mode.

Complimenting all data visualizations is the ability to view the associate data values. Click “More options” and then select “Show as table”.

Click “Back to report” to exit out of Show as table” mode.

It is not uncommon to want to copy the data out of a visual for your own needs. To do so click “More options” and then select “Export data”.

Data is exported in Excel format.

Filtering and resetting reports

Cross filtering in Power BI allows you to dynamically filter the report page to the value(s) that you have selected. For example, selecting the “B2C” site, in the image below, will filter all of the report data visualizations to “B2C” without having to use the Power BI or tyGraph filters. Deselecting the highlighted value will reset the report.

The Filters pane in Power BI includes the data fields used in a selected data visualization and those configured for all report pages by tyGraph.

Fields in the Filters pane can be used to further refine the reports as desired. For example, we can filter by city:

  1. Expand “User City”
  2. Select “Bogota” and the report will filter accordingly
  3. Clicking the “Clear filter” button will remove the filter

Resetting report filters

The ability to filter reports and data visualizations in Power BI is a great feature but sometimes you might need to reset the report to go back tyGraph default settings. Click the “Reset filters” button to reset your report.