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Slow Pages and Avg. Page Load Times

In tyGraph Pages we highlight any page where the average load time is greater than 5 seconds. The Avg. Page Load time is based on the times reported to Azure Application Insights when the user's browser sends the request until the browser's page load event is called. Avg. Page Load Duration is formatted as hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds (HH:MM:SS.mmm).

Slow pages

Page load times for users can be influenced by the quality of their internet connection, VPN usage, web browser (settings, extensions) and device performance.

When reviewing slow pages, it is important to drill into the performance details to understand the available context such as, users, views, geography and date scale. To do so from the Content Health report tab, select your target page and then click Analyze.

Content Health report tab

In the Technical Performance report tab, we get the following context:

  1. Users, views and page load durations to help understand the impact of the slow page. In this example, 1 user of 3 can heavily influence the average page load duration.
  2. Geography by performance bucket to help establish a regional baseline for performance. In this example we can that the United Kingdom seems to the slowest load times. 
  3. Load durations over time to help identify exceptions and performance trends. In this example, 1 user was the exception, and the page generally performs well.

Technical Performance report tab

If you have a consistently slow performing page, consider using the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool. This tool can help to troubleshoot performance issues and to ensure that pages are optimized.