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Filtering Users in Datasets

tyGraph Power BI datasets have the ability to be restricted by a selected User Dimension.

This has many benefits including:

Support Editing of tyGraph Reports to a special interest group within the organization.
Faster lighter datasets
Limit shared datasets to need to know information


Supported Products


Coming Soon

  • tyGraph for Yammer - Q1 2023
  • tyGraph Pulse - No Date Planned

User Filters

There are some user filters that you use in combination to limit the dataset to a subset of your population. Spaces are allowed between words. Leading and trailing spaces do matter. Filter is case sensitive. Parameter values are semicolon delimited. If you want to filter your dataset for two/three/or more values in the parameters, you have to enter them using semicolons. For the last value in the parameter section, no semicolon is needed

  • User Column- The name of the user column that you would like to use as a filter. 
    • Example "User Country"
    • Default value is "<N/A>"

  • User Value- A semicolon delimited list of the user values that you would like to have returned. 
    • Example "Canada;United States"
    • Default value is "<N/A>"

User Column Options

User Emailanonymous;
User Manager
User Manager NameUnlimitedViz Admin
User TypeMember;Guest
User ContinentEU;AU
User CityToronto;New Jersey
User Zip / Postal CodeL2V 0A5;90201
User State / ProvinceOntario;New York
User CountryCanada;New Zealand
User Country CodeCA;NZ
User Address<External User>;23 Rosedale Ave
User BuildingHead Office;Jersey Office
User OrganizationtyGraph;AvePoint
User DepartmentDevelopment;Research and Development
User Job TitleSales;Developer;Vice President
User DivisionServices;North America Sales;Headquarters
User Business UnitAMEA;LATAM;NA
User IsExternalYes
HR - Attribute01<External User>
HR - OrgLevel01Cargo tray accessory
Any "HR - OrgLevel" or "HR - Attribute" Ranges 01-10


Nuances by Workload

Below are the nuances of how we determine which activities to return. Key Term: Parameterized User - Is the users to be included in the data as defined by the parameter setting.

tyGraph for OneDrive

Filters these tables:

  • User
    • Returns all users in user criteria filter plus any users that had activity on the filtered users' drives. 
    • Also returns any external users

  • Drive
    • Returns all drives hosted by user from filtered criteria
    • Also returns drives where users from that criterion had interactions with drives outside their area

  • Object
    • Returns all prefiltered (sharing activity or usage (by non-owners) in the past 3+current month) objects for owners in the user filter criteria
    • And all objects on which the user-filtered users interacted with (even if outside the user filter parameter)

  • Pulse Storage
    • Gets all user's usage, storage information based on the filtered criteria

  • License User
    • Returns licenses for all users in filter

  • Transactions Detail
    • Returns all transactions on the prefiltered (sharing activity or usage by non -owners) in the past 3+ current month) items, for user-filtered owned objects 
    • And where the user-filtered users interacted on items outside the user-filter parameter

  • SharePoint Summary User Activity
    • Returns all transactions with the users by filter
    • Or any external users regardless of parameters

For example, we applied filter for only French users. If French user interacts with drive of user from Canada, Canadian drive will be listed as well in parallel with the French drives.

tyGraph for SharePoint

Filters these tables:

  • Sites
    • Returns any sites with activity from users that fit criteria

  • Objects
    • Returns any objects with activity from users that fit criteria

  • Users
    • Returns any users with activity from users that fit criteria 
    • And anyone that is external

  • Licenses
    • Returns users that fit criteria & their licenses

  • Summary User Web File Activity
    • Gets all the activity from the web for the users with the filtered criteria
    • Or any external users that have activity on that web

  • Detail Transactions
    • Returns any users with activity on site that fit criteria 
    • Also, any external users with activity on objects related to filtered criteria

  • SP Web
    • Returns any activity for the sites on filtered criteria regardless of internal/external 

  • Pulse Storage
    • Returns storage information for any web where filtered users have activity on

tyGraph for Teams

Filters these tables:

  • User
    • Returns all users in filter criteria
    • And any external users

  • Attachments
    • Returns any attachments from messages posted by user of the filtered criteria

  • Channel
    • Returns any channels where a user from the filter criteria posted

  • Channel Tab
    • Returns any tabs in channels where a user from the filter criteria posted

  • File Objects
    • Returns any files with activity against them from users defined by the filter criteria

  • File Transactions
    • Returns any activity by users in the filter criteria
    • Plus, any activity by external users on the same object
    • This does not include activity by other users on the same object. For example, Canadian user views Buget.xlsx only activity by Canadians will be shown plus external users. Activity by US users will not be shown

  • Licenses 
    • Returns any licenses assigned to users defined by the filter criteria

  • Team Members
    • Returns any team members from the defined filter criteria.
    • Note this means that the team membership will not be reflective of the actual total. For example, filter to Canadian users, team membership will only count Canadians not US members

  • Mentioned Users
    • Returns any mentioned users from messages posted by users in filter criteria

  • Messages
    • Returns only channel messages posted by users in the filter criteria.
    • It does not include messages that the filtered user participated in but did not post. For example, messages that filtered user is mentioned on or reacted to.
    • Implication for Threads
      • Filtered to Canada: If a thread has responses by a mix of Canadians and US Users. Only Canadian responses will be shown and counted. This would deflate the total responses counted in report vs reality

  • Device Usage
    • Returns any activity by users in the filter criteria

  • User Usage
    • Returns any activity by users in the filter criteria

  • Reaction
    • Only counts reactions made on messages posted by the Parametrized Users. 
    • It does not include reactions made by parameterized users on messages from other non-parameterized users. 
      • Example Message posted by Canadian will include reactions from US users as well
      • Reactions by Canadian on US message will not be counted

  • Team
    • Returns any team where a parameterized user has posted a message.
    • This does not include teams where the parameterized user is a member but has not posted

  • Threads
    • Returns any threads where the parameterized user responded
    • For example, US threads where a Canadian replied


tyGraph for Yammer

Filters these tables:

  • Activity Trx
    • Returns legacy activities for file views & downloads
    • filters on the Activity Period & the User filter
    • Any activity that a user performed based on the user filter will be returned
    • Nuances: If there is a like or a mention on a message by a user outside of the user filter, it will not be returned. Say for example we have user filter applied for country 'USA', now if somebody from Canada likes my message or mentions me, those likes/mentions will not be returned

  • Community
    • Same logic as for Activity trx
    • Evaluates all the transactions for a user (from user filter & Activity Period) who has had activity and returns all those communities or if a user is a member of that community
    • So, returns communities where users/members are based on User criteria, or they have had activity in that activity period    

  • Community Membership
    • Returns any membership records based on user filter criteria
    • Brings back all community membership where users in the filter are members of, and then modify the measures appropriately to count the membership regardless of the user filter

  • Community Shared to
    • Refers to the community table

  • Device Usage
    • Returns any user from user filter & Activity Period criteria
    • Returns any file that has activity (created/ viewed/ downloaded) by those users in the above-mentioned filter criteria


  • Keywords
    • Filters on any thread ID where the users have had activity, and cutting off the date based on yammer message keyword cutoff date logic that we have for the customer
    • The default cutoff is 90 days
    • The activity period filter does not work; it gets overridden by cutoff date
    • It will retrieve keywords for all messages in those threads 
    • Not just in the messages by the users, in all messages within the threads by those that have been touched by those users in the last 90 days
    • Example: I am a US member, and I liked a message in a thread by non-US members. It will retrieve the keywords in the entire thread including any responses by other non-members.


  • Mentioned Users 
    • Returns users in the User filter that did some mentioning regardless of who they mentioned
    • If me as a US member mentioned somebody outside filter criteria which is Country = US, it would return those mentions/mentioned users. So, me as a US member mentioned somebody in Canada would show up in the mentioned users list as well as anybody fulfilling in the filter criteria. So, all US and non-US members who were mentioned by me will be returned.
    • If I mentioned somebody yesterday outside of my filter criteria, then that person would show up in the mentioned users. But if I mentioned somebody 5 years ago, and the activity filter is only 1 year, then that somebody will not be listed in the mentioned table but all the users who are in the user criteria filter will be listed in the mentioned list

  • License Users Sku
    • Returns any user in the filter criteria and their license ever


  • Messages
    • This will return all message within threads that user in the User filter & Activity period have interacted with
    • filtered on User filter & Activity period

  • Praised Users
    • This is similar to the mentioned users
    • Returns all users irrespective of the activity period that fall into the User criteria and any users that were praised in the Activity period by users in the User criteria filter

  • Pulse User Activity
    • Returns any user in the user criteria for the activity period who had activity in pulse user activity

  • Threads
    • This is similar to messages
    • Returns any thread where a user in the user criteria for the activity period has had activity

  • Thread Topic
    • Returns any user in the user criteria for the activity period that has mentioned or followed a topic will show up in the thread topic

  • Topics
    • Returns any topic where users on User filter criteria for the Activity Period were mentioned/ followed

  • Topic follower
    • Returns any topic followed by users on the User criteria ever 
    • Here, no activity period is applied

  • Users
    • Returns any user in the user filter criteria without the activity period filter or any external users

  • User Interactions
    • Returns any user that had likes, mentioned, was liked, mentioned in the activity period based on the User criteria filter

  • User Interacted with
    • Returns user records for any of those members they interacted with, even if they are outside of the filtered criteria

  • User Extensions
    • Returns any user extension attributes for users in the user criteria filter without the activity period


Distributing insights to your stakeholders is an important part of empowering digital transformation. Without insights into change its difficult for areas of the business to see the impact of changes they are making.