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tyGraph Calling - Product Guide


Scheduled to be available in the 1st quarter of 2023, stay tuned for updates on its release!

tyGraph Call Insights: Provides analytics on Microsoft Teams calling, meetings, and license usage. This report looks at your data from a Microsoft Teams communications perspective. TyGraph Call Insights will provide your company with deep insights into how your employees are using Microsoft Teams to communicate through calls. How much time is spent in meetings and how much money are calls and meetings costing your organization. The report also dives into Microsoft license usage and wastage. Explore the main areas of the report to gain a deeper understanding of your organization’s communications behavior's:

Company Behavior: Presents a high-level overview of your organization’s communications patterns within Microsoft Teams. You can view high level metrics for Total Call Volume. Unique Participants, Time Spend Analysis, Unadopted Licenses, and Ineffective Calls. Each high-level area can be broken down to more granular levels offering a detailed report page for each.

License Adoption & Enablement:  This report page displays an inventory of Microsoft licenses from a Teams Calls perspective. As well as view summarized data on either Meeting Rooms or PSTN call volume. Meeting rooms utilized, meeting organizers, and their participants.

Call Performance: Here you can find a detailed analysis of Call Performance. Showcasing your organizations busiest times. This page also allows a user to select a participant and analyze the performance of their calls. This is helpful to identify the quality of calls in a call center environment for example.


Quick Links:

Useful links related to the usage of tyGraph's Call Insights report:

Universal Report Header:

  1. Our Logo will redirect you to our website:
  2. This is the report page title.
  3. User Attributes Slicer: This slicer is loaded with data from the "User' table which is populated with from the Microsoft Azure tenants user information such as city, job title, country, and division to name a few. Which can then be applied to all metrics and visuals for advanced filtering options. For detailed information on user attributes see this article: User Attributes
  4. Time Intelligence Comparison: This slicer contains the time period comparisons that get projected into the fields located directly below each KPI card. Want to see the month over month trend of your Total Call Volume? Simply select it in the drop down and you will see the percentage change along with the corresponding trend icon up or down for each metric.
  5. Box Icon: Hover over this to see the version of the report and database information. Click on this button to go to the tyGraph Dev Blog, where you can learn about changes/additions to the report.
  6. Information Icon: Looking for more information? Click here for detailed articles and terms on our website! This will redirect you to our support site:
  7. Date Slider: This is a rolling filter that is enabled by default. Use this to select a rolling range of recent dates. You can erase this slicer to select specific dates (below) outside the rolling range. You can glance to the “Report Period" element at any time to see the overall filter.
  8. Harvest Date: This is the most recent datapoint collected by tyGraph. If the date is behind what you expect, check if the dataset has refreshed. If you are in tyGraph Online, please contact support or your Admin immediately.
  9. Set a variety of filters to narrow the scope of the data and view your data from your own personalized perspective.

Company Behavior: 

Call Volume:

The Company Behavior Page is comprised of five different reports controlled by the buttons one through five vertically on the left hand side of the page. The differing sections provide insights into 1) Call Volume. 2) Unique Participants. 3) Time Spend. 4) Unadopted Licenses. and 5) Ineffective Calls. Most visuals on the page can be filtered using the user attribute slicer in the header and time period comparisons can be drawn for major KPI's using the "Comparison" slicer. The Comparison slicer will project its metric in percentage form directly below each KPI with a trend arrow either up or down.

 1. Call Volume: This KPI card also doubles as a button and once clicked will transform your page to focus on the below metrics and visuals (a - j). The KPI "Call Volume" is a high level total of all calls across your organization  inclusive of all types.

  1. Group Calls: KPI card displaying total calls where there were more then one person.
  2. PSTN Calls: KPI card displaying the total number of PSTN calls, which are defined as: A Microsoft offered service to support PSTN calls captured for all Microsoft Calling Plan phone calls coming in and out of your routing service. This includes external users phoning into meetings organized by your company. This also includes users within your company phoning into calls organized by other companies. 
  3. Direct Calls: KPI card displaying the total direct calls. A call between one other person. Sometimes people refer to these as Peer to Peer calls. 
  4. Group Calls Bar Graph: Horizontal bar graph that displays the corresponding KPI which in this case is "Group Calls", but can be configured to compare by a user selected attribute in the slicer in the header. So for example if one were to select "City" from the user attributes slicer the bar graph would aggregate Group Calls by City.
  5. PSTN Calls Bar Graph: Horizontal bar graph that displays the corresponding KPI which in this case is "PSTN Calls", but can be configured to compare by a user selected attribute in the slicer in the header. 
  6. Direct Calls Bar Graph: Horizontal bar graph that displays the corresponding KPI which in this case is "Direct Calls", but can be configured to compare by a user selected attribute in the slicer in the header. 
  7. Measure Slicer: This slicer is loaded with the corresponding metrics being displayed on the currently selected report page. So you will have the options of displaying Call volume, group calls, PSTN calls, or direct calls in the line graph so you can see how these metrics have changed over time.
  8. Date Slicer: This offers easier to access date configurations for the line graph its embedded in.
  9. User Attributes Slicer: Use this slicer to aggregate the chosen metrics by the user attributes populated in your Azure tenant to compare by. For example a user can select Group Calls, then Quarterly in the date slicer, and finally department in the User Attributes slicer which will generate a user configured line graph displaying group calls on a quarterly basis compared by different departments in your organization. Play around with multiple configurations to really explore your data!
  10. Line Graph: The canvass that will display your configured line graph using the interactive graph title slicers.

Unique Participants:

      2. Unique Participants: This is a KPI card, displays the total number of unique participants. Defined as participants             that are each different from the other. This card also doubles as a button and once selected will change the page to           display metrics around unique caller types such as Internal Participants, External Participants and the Averages of                those metrics.

  1. Internal Participants: KPI card displaying number of unique internal participants, which is defined as participants from within your tenant.
  2. Avg. Participants per Call: This is the average internal participants per call.
  3. External Participants KPI card displaying the total external participants which are defined as participants who are not from your tenant.
  4. Avg. External Participants: The average number of external participants.
  5. Internal Participants Bar Graph: Horizontal bar graph that displays the corresponding KPI which in this case is "Internal participants", and can be configured to compare by a user selected attribute in the slicer in the header. 
  6. Avg. Participants Bar Graph: Horizontal bar graph that displays the corresponding KPI which in this case is "Average participants per call", and can be configured to compare by a user selected attribute in the slicer in the header. 
  7. Avg. Participants per Call Stacked Bar Graph: A horizontal 100% stacked bar graph showing the percentage between internal versus external participants, in a percentage, compared by departments.
  8. Date Slicer: This offers easier to access date configurations for the line graph its embedded in.
  9. User Attributes Slicer: Use this slicer to aggregate Total Participants by the user attributes populated in your Azure tenant to compare by. For example a user can select Quarterly in the date slicer, and finally department in the User Attributes slicer which will generate a user configured line graph displaying Total Participants on a quarterly basis compared by different departments in your organization.
  10. Line Graph: The canvass that will display your configured line graph using the interactive graph title.

Time Spend (Hours):


      3. Time Spend (Hours): Following previous design patterns this KPI card again also doubles as a button and when            clicked on presents a report page with the below metrics and visuals (a- h). Time Spend is defined as the total                     cumulative time spent by users on calls. If three people are in a concurrent call each of their time is added up. 

  1. Most Expensive Calls: This grid will show you your most expensive calls per month. This is based on calls with the longest call time and the most participants multiplied by the average wage input into the wage slider on the "Call Performance" page.
  2. Avg. Call Duration Minutes: KPI card displaying the average durations of all calls in minutes.
  3. Avg. Daily Calls per Person: KPI card displaying the average number of call per day per person.
  4. Avg. Call Minutes Horizontal Bar Graph: This will tell you the average call minutes but can be configured to compare by the selected user attribute located in the header.
  5. Avg. Daily Calls: This will tell you the average number of daily calls but can be configured to compare by the selected user attribute located in the header. 
  6. Date Slicer: This offers easier to access date configurations for the line graph its embedded in.
  7. User Attributes Slicer: Use this slicer to aggregate Time Spend Hours by the user attributes populated in your Azure tenant to compare by, which are rendered in the graph area its embedded in. For example a user can select Quarterly in the date slicer, and finally department in the User Attributes slicer which will generate a user configured line graph displaying Time Spend Hours on a quarterly basis drawing a comparison between different departments in your organization.
  8. Line Graph: The canvass that will display your configured line graph using the interactive graph title.

Ineffective Calls:

4. Ineffective Calls: This KPI represent the total number of calls deemed ineffective, defined as calls that failed at either the setup or mid call stage.  

  1. Failed Sessions %: KPI card displaying the percentage of failed sessions which is total failed sessions divided by total sessions.
  2. Calls to Voicemail %: This is the percentage of calls that do not get answered and go to voicemail. Calculated by dividing total calls to voicemail by total calls.
  3. Avg. Minutes to Join: KPI card showing you the average amount of time it takes to join a call.
  4. Failed Session Bar Graph: This displays a count of failed sessions visualized in bar graph form which can be compared by the user attributes slicer in the header.
  5. Calls to Voicemail Bar Graph: Shows you a count for how many calls went to voicemail, and can display comparison aggregations via the user attributes slicer.
  6. Avg. Minutes to Join Bar Graph: Another horizontal bar graph that reflects the above KPI in bar graph form but can be configured to show comparisons by selecting the desired user attribute using the slicer in the header.
  7. Date Slicer: This offers easier to access date configurations for the line graph its embedded in.
  8. User Attributes Slicer: Use this slicer to aggregate Total Failed Sessions by the user attributes populated in your Azure tenant to compare by. For example a user can select Quarterly in the date slicer, and finally department in the User Attributes slicer which will generate a user configured line graph displaying Total Failed Sessions on a quarterly basis compared by different departments in your organization.
  9. Line Graph: The canvass that will render your configured line graph using the interactive graph title by selecting your desired time period and user attribute slicers.

Unadopted Licenses:

      5. Unadopted Licenses: This is the total number of licenses that have been purchased but not used.

  1. Current Licenses: KPI card displaying total number of licenses regardless of usage.
  2. Active Licenses: This is the total number of licenses with users that have activity. 
  3. Unused Licenses: This is the total number of licenses with users that have no activity or that havent been assigned to a user.
  4. Unused License %: Total Consumed Licenses with no activity divided by  Current Consumed Licenses.
  5. License Name Window: This window will display all the licenses your organization owns, as inventoried in your tenant, regardless of assignment. A user can select either one or multiple licenses (by holding down ctrl) , which will filter all metrics on the page by the selected license(s).
  6. License Name by Counts: This grid displays the same list of licenses but also includes usage metrics and reacts to your selection in the adjacent license window.
  7. Date Slicer: This offers easier to access date configurations for the line graph its embedded in.
  8. User Attributes Slicer: Use this slicer to aggregate Total Consumed Licenses by the user attributes populated in your Azure tenant to compare by. For example a user can select Quarterly in the date slicer, and finally department in the User Attributes slicer which will generate a user configured line graph displaying Consumed Licenses on a quarterly basis compared by different departments in your organization.
  9. Stacked Bar Graph: This area will render a stacked bar graph showing Consumed Licenses vs Unused Licenses per stack and configured using the interactive graph title.

License Adoption & Enablement:

The License Adoption & Enablement Page will show you a detailed report on license consumption, call volume by type over time, and meeting room metrics showing participants and organizers counts.

  1. License Name & Status Matrix: This matrix will populate with the current licenses your organization is in possession of, both free and purchased, along with the metrics showing license status, a count of each respective license, and how many of those licenses are actually used with a corresponding count of calls utilized per license type. There is also a drop down selector which allows the user to target specific licenses by holding down (CTRL) selecting multiple licenses.
  2. License Name & Status Slicer: This slicer is a drop down selector that allows the user to configure all metrics on the page by whichever licenses are selected in the list.
  3. Date Slicer: Allows the user to configure the stacked bar graph its embedded into by whichever time period you would like to see.
  4. Call Volume Stacked Bar Graph: Each stacked bar breaks down total call volume by these types of calls: Group Calls, PSTN Calls, and Direct Calls.
  5. Meeting Rooms Button: Click this button to toggle the bottom half of the report page, displaying metrics for "Meeting Room Organizers" and "Meeting Room Participants".
  6. Meeting Rooms Organizer User Type: The organizer user type grid breaks down call organizer and non organizer participant types then by call types and total call volume.
  7. Distribution of License Types: Button that when clicked displays a visualization depicting a proportional breakdown of license types using a waterfall graph. 
  8. Meeting Room Organizers Grid: Presents a list of users by total call volume with different types of calls and total duration of calls in minutes. Quickly see who in your organization is spending the most amount of time in calls and making the most calls.  
  9. PTSN Calls Button: Clicking this button will change the bottom metrics to show similar numbers but filtering for only PTSN.
  10. Distribution of License Types Graph: A waterfall graph that visualizes the proportional breakdown of license types your organization possess, both purchased and free. With the total of all licenses displayed in the bar to the far right labelled "total".

Distribution of License Types:

Call Performance:

The Call Performance Page showcases call trends and volume by visualizing peak day of the week and peak times of the day for the user selected in the drop down selector. In the bottom portion of the report page a user can analyse call performance by whichever user attribute is selected in the header. Expand the hierarchy by clicking the plus sign all the way down to individual calls by each user. Select a particular call, which will then light up the button "Select Call Record" which once clicked will present you with a report on the details of that call.

  1. Blended Hourly Wage: Input or adjust the slider, to what the blended average hourly rate of your organization is to see average costs of calls and meetings.
  2. User Email, Full Name Drop Down Selector: Drop down slicer populated with user e-mails which is used to filter the bar graph adjacent to it.
  3. Peak Day of the Week Button: Click this button to change the adjacent bar graph to analyse call volume for the selected user from the above drop down selector. The bar graph will give you a great analysis on the peak days of a seven day week. Bars representing total call volume and the line representing average time to join.
  4. Peak Time Button: Clicking this button will transform the adjacent bar graph to display peak hours of a 24 hour day. This is a great tool to determine the busiest time of day of your employees.
  5. Trend Line and Bar Graph: This bar graph is manipulated by the three elements to the left of it: User Email selector, Peak Day of the Week button and Peak Time button.
  6. User Department Metrics: View call metrics aggregated by department or expand the hierarchy to view users within each department. You can then further expand the hierarchy on a user to see all of their historical metrics on a per call basis. Once viewing historical calls for a user, you can select a specific call which will then light up the "Select Call Record Above" button.
  7. Select a Call Record Above For Detail Button: Once you have expanded the hierarchy in the list, select a historical call for a user, which will light up this button and then becomes available for you to click on which will take you to a detailed analysis page "Call Timeline".

Call Timeline:

The Call Timeline page is only accessed by selecting a user call and clicking on the "Select a Call Record Above" button on the previous page "Call Performance". Unless accessed via the button this report page is hidden. It will display call detail metrics for a specific call. The metrics entail a few time aggregations, participant counts, call cost, and which users participated in the call.

  1. Back Button: This button will return your view back to the originating page "Call Performance". 
  2. Information Panel: This area displays information on the record you are viewing details for that you previously select such as: Meeting Date and Organizer. 
  3. Call Duration (min.): The total duration in minutes of the the call that was previously selected on the Call Performance page.
  4. Total Participants: Total count of participants in the selected call. 
  5. Total Time Spent (min.): The total number of minutes spent in the session. See this page for a definition of session.
  6. Internal Time Spent (min.): Total number of minutes spent by the internal participant.
  7. Internal Participants: The count of the number of internal participants.
  8. Internal Meeting Cost: The cost of the meeting in dollars calculated by multiplying the average hourly rate input into the wage slider by the amount of minutes used for the call.
  9. Average Hourly Wage: A configurable slider to determine how costs should be calculated on this page. A user can input an amount directly into the field or adjust the slider left & right to increase or decrease the amount.
  10. Call Detail Grid: This grid will display detailed information on the previous user call that was selected, such as name, email, user type, session modalities, session start time, failure stage, and internal meeting cost.