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Copilot for Microsoft 365 Product Guide


Assigned Licenses

  1. Enabled Licenses are the total purchased Copilot licenses for the organization. The percent bar shows the ratio of those licenses that are assigned to users and percent not yet assigned to users. To optimize your Copilot investment, ensure that all available licenses are assigned.
  2. Prerequisite licenses encompass all users who either currently have an assigned Copilot license or are eligible to receive one. Additionally, users must be on an eligible update channel for Office 365, such as Current Channel or Monthly Enterprise Channel.
    • Microsoft 365 E5
    • Microsoft 365 E3
    • Office 365 E3
    • Office 365 E5
    • Microsoft 365 A5 for faculty
    • Microsoft 365 A3 for faculty
    • Office 365 A5 for faculty
    • Office 365 A3 for faculty
    • Microsoft 365 Business Standard
    • Microsoft 365 Business Premium
  3. High probability adopters are users who don't have a Copilot license but rank within the top 5 percentile for M365 activity levels across Excel, Word, OneNote, PowerPoint, Whiteboard, and/or Loop within the given report period. Click on this card to view the list of these users below.
  4. This visual helps you understand how licenses are distributed throughout the organization, enabling you to analyze license allocation based on user attributes like region and department.
  5. Monitoring license allocation and activity trends over time enables you to promptly gauge Copilot adoption. Utilize the dropdown menu in the header to navigate through the time hierarchy.
  6. Having a list of users assigned Copilot licenses is beneficial. The dropdown above (4) organizes users by the selected attribute. Additionally, you can utilize the double-down arrows when hovering over the table to drill down to user emails, provided you have access to unobfuscated data. See our data protection guide for details.
    Furthermore, this view highlights licensed users whose M365 accounts are blocked, facilitating the re-allocation of licenses to individuals who can actively utilize Copilot.
  7. The dropdown above (4) organizes high probability adopters by the selected attribute. To see a list of these users, click on the card above (3).

Active Users

  1. Active users are those who have engaged with Copilot at least once during the reporting period. This visual illustrates the percentage of all licensed Copilot users who have had at least one interaction with Copilot during the report period, as well as the percentage of users who have not interacted with Copilot during the same period.
  2. This card displays the percentage of licensed Copilot users who have used Copilot only once since receiving a license. Click on the card to access a list of these users and view the duration since they first used Copilot. This is valuable for either encouraging the use of Copilot within this group or reallocating licenses to other users.
  3. In this bar chart, you can explore various metrics based on different user attributes. Each attribute offers a unique perspective on Copilot usage across the organization.
  4. "See All Users" will take you to the Microsoft 365 & Copilot Activity drill-through report allowing you to view comprehensive Microsoft 365 and Copilot usage activity for all users. You also have the option to choose a specific attribute value, such as department or country. Once selected, the "See These Users" button below will become active, allowing you to navigate to the drill-through report and focus solely on that particular group of users.
  5. Trend over time is driven by the dropdown values above (3), enabling you to observe the different metrics across various time periods.
  6. This visual displays the number of unique users and documents by application, indicating which productivity app users spend the most time in while using Copilot.
  7. Here, we present the breakdown of users who utilize Copilot within M365 Apps like Word and Excel versus Microsoft Copilot Graph-grounded Chat within Bing and Teams. The nodes can be expanded to reveal the breakdown of M365 Services, such as editing documents in their OneDrives or in SharePoint, as well as participating in Teams meetings and conversations.
  8. Ensuring the protection of sensitive information accessed by Copilot is a priority. This visual aids in understanding the number of files with sensitivity labels being accessed, and by expanding the nodes, you can see which sites they are accessed from. Tip: Choose a specific label to cross-highlight the report and see the users in visual 3 above who are accessing sensitive information.

Adopted Users

  1. Adopted users are influential users who are accessing Copilot for Microsoft 365 consistently, frequently, and on a broad level across Microsoft 365 applications. Any person who uses Copilot more than one day per week, three times per week, and in at least one application per week is considered adopted. The status bar indicates the percentage of adopted users, non-adopted users, and users who haven't used Copilot in the selected period.
  2. Number of users that infrequently use Copilot. These users engage with Copilot to some extent but do not meet the criteria for being considered fully adopted, as defined above.
  3. Number of users in the selected period that have not used Copilot at all.
  4. This bar chart offers flexibility for exploring different adoption criteria metrics and the proportion of users based on selected user attributes.
  5. This visual displays the selected adoption metrics from above plotted over time.
  6. Consistency of Interaction with Copilot -- number of users who interact with Copilot on a regular basis throughout the week. Remember, consistent engagement leads to higher adoption and higher productivity!
  7. Frequency of Interaction with Copilot -- number of users who engage in heavy interactions with Copilot throughout the week. Unlike consistency, which emphasizes regular usage patterns, frequency accounts for users who may interact intensely with Copilot, even if their usage is not consistent throughout the week.
  8. Breadth of Interaction with Copilot -- number of users who utilize Copilot across multiple experiences throughout the week, including applications like Office Apps, Teams, and Copilot Chat. This metric reflects the diversity of usage scenarios where Copilot is integrated, highlighting its versatility and widespread adoption among users across various productivity tools.

Microsoft 365 & Copilot Activity drill-through

  1. Here, you have the ability to search for a specific user and view all of their activity in Copilot and Microsoft 365 productivity apps, pending appropriate data protection settings.
  2. These indicators display the number of days with Copilot activity, the number of days with Microsoft 365 App activity, and the percentage of days Copilot was used. This is particularly useful when examining a specific user to understand the extent to which they utilized opportunities to use Copilot.
  3. The radar chart illustrates which application Copilot was most frequently utilized in.
  4. Here are the number of Copilot interactions by user, categorized by application. The nodes can be expanded for individual users, allowing you to delve into specific dates when the user was active. Tip: Select an individual to cross-highlight the report and see all of their activity in Copilot as well as Microsoft 365 Productivity Apps on the right.
  5. Users' preferred clients/devices for accessing Microsoft 365 productivity apps are highlighted here. The number indicates the total number of days spent on each device across all users or for a selected individual. 
  6. Similar to the Copilot radar chart, this visual indicates the proportion of usage across Microsoft 365 productivity apps.
  7. The number of days spent in Microsoft 365 productivity apps by each person, categorized by individual app, is presented here.