Welcome to our dev blog for tyGraph for OneDrive!
Here we list features we've added each release. If you are less interested in our journey and would like to see the current layouts, be sure to check out our Report Guide
November 2023
Composite Model capability with tyGraph products from AppSource
Mixing multiple tyGraph data models together (or other data sources) using the Composite Model feature is now available for the tyGraph for OneDrive product using a dataset installed from AppSource. Historically, mixing datasets only worked for manually installed tyGraph product PBIX files. Below are a couple of reference articles.
Mixing tyGraph with Other Sources in Power BI : Support
Use composite models in Power BI Desktop - Power BI | Microsoft Learn
August 2023
Hotfix for Drives beyond the sync date window. Improved interaction between the Days Without Sync Slider and the OneDrive Sync Activity Table below
March 2022
This minor release of tyGraph for OneDrive includes new filter and reporting capability on on-premise Active Directory extension attributes.
User Extension Attribute Filter
Some customers synchronize their on-premise Active Directory extension attributes with Azure Active Directory using Azure AD Connect using schema extensions. We now have the capability to harvest those extensions and display them in our reports. The harvesting feature is turned off by default. If you would like to turn on this feature, please contact us via Help Desk.
You will notice two new filters in the Filters pane, User Extension Name and User Extension Value, where you will be able to filter on the custom AD extensions.
January 2022
We are pleased to introduce a much lighter and cleaner version of our OneDrive set of reports. The new dashboard-like layout on every page maximizes the use of the canvas. By moving the slicers from the left hand area of the reports to the Filters Pane, we have maximized the reporting space to make room for more meaningful visuals in order to tell a better story.
OneDrive Overview
- The package icon navigates to this Dev Blog.
- Clicking on the settings icon will show the report configuration information and harvester/database versions for easier troubleshooting.
- The globe icon in Area Adoption will display a world map with activity volume by geography.
Non Adoption Detail
- Merged the two "Licensed Non-Engaged Users" bar charts into one. The user can move up and down the hierarchy of organizational data by clicking on the up and down arrows in the header of the visual.
- Replaced the "Licensed Non-Engaged Users" card with the donut chart on the left to better represent the non-engaged users out of all licensed users.
- Merged the two "Licensed Non-Engaged Users" bar charts into one. The user can move up and down the hierarchy of organizational data by clicking on the up and down arrows in the header of the visual.
OneDrive Storage
- Added information around the storage of Teams Chat Files and Meeting Recordings
- Added indicator flags when storage Quota Used is approaching high levels. Yellow flag for 65%-90% and red flag for above 90% used capacity.
- Added information around the storage of Teams Chat Files and Meeting Recordings
Content Variety (formerly File Type Activity)
- A search box to easily filter on File Type, File Extension or File Extension Grouping. For example, you can search for all "Documents", or "Word", or specific extensions like "docx"
- The measure drop downs in the various visuals allows you to view the table or chart by a specific measure. Activity volume, Engaged Drives, or Engaged Members.
- The 3 stacked icons allow you to view the new Trending Areas visual and the table to the left by
- Organizational Hierarchy (Organization, BU, Department, Building, Job Title)
- Location Hierarchy (Country, State, City, Postal Code, Address)
- File Type (Type, Extension, Extension Group)
- Added Multiple Experiences for Content Activity Over Time
- A search box to easily filter on File Type, File Extension or File Extension Grouping. For example, you can search for all "Documents", or "Word", or specific extensions like "docx"
Sync Activity (formerly File Sync Activity)
- Easy click of a button to identify all drives that have never been synced.
- Identify the number of drives with given filter context
- Drives without sync by organizational hierarchy down to the Drive Name
- File or Sync Activity by Date
- A slider to identify drives that haven't had sync activity in so many days
- A card identifying the number of drives with very high sync activity (if % change is greater than 200%) in the last 2 weeks.
- In contrast to #3 above where we display drives without sync activity, this chart represents drives with file & sync by organization hierarchy down to the Drive Name.
- Percent of drives that have had sync in the given time period against all available drives.
Shared Content
The previous three reports: Sharing Overview, Sharing Activity, and External Activity all got rolled into this one comprehensive report describing the content being shared in OneDrive.- Number of drives that have had sharing activity in the given time frame
- Number of secure invitations sent: Added To Secure Link, Secure Link Created, or Company Link Created.
- Number of anonymous invitations: Anonymous Link Created. This card is a button and if clicked will filter all the visuals related to anonymous invitations and usage.
- External users card represents the number of external users accessing files on the tenant's OneDrives. This is also a button and will filter all the visuals related to external usage.
- This combo chart represents all sharing invitations and the non-owner activity.
- Sharing activity by Drive Owner allows you to quickly view the top drives by sharing activity. This visual is helpful to cross filter the rest of the report.
- Drive Consumers shows usage by user of drives. Example: by selecting a drive from visual #6 you can quickly see who are all the consumers of that drive.
- Sharing activity by type of activity, file type, extension group, and file extension is helpful to identify the type of files being shared and how.
- Number of engaged users on drives by geography
- Proactive sharing identifies how many Secure and Anonymous Invitations were created in total
- This button allow you to view the details of actual files that were shared recently. The 'recent' time period is always 3 plus current months of data. The 2 bottom right visuals are overlayed with the Shared Files or Folders table view to identify exactly which files were shared, to whom, and if they were accessed. Using the Drive Owner visual, the Consumer visual and the Date bar chart, you can easily cross filter and narrow down the file list accordingly. Or in the reverse, select a file to see which drive it belongs to, who accessed it, and when.
Usage Location
Removed this report as all features from this report were covered in other places. For instance, the OneDrive Overview globe icon now shows the map with activity by location.
Data Model
- Added 3 new parameters in order to control the volume of data to import into the model. This helps with very large data volumes and the overall performance of the reports.
- User Column Name - The exact name of one of the User columns to filter. I.e. User Country.
- User Column Value(s) - The value or values (semicolon delimited) to filter. I.e. United States; Canada
- Activity Period (Months) - Number of months to retrieve summary history.
- User Column Name - The exact name of one of the User columns to filter. I.e. User Country.
- Removed the FAQ page in favor of this Dev Blog and Report Guide.
- Replaced the Report Period visual with the Date slicer on all pages. The Date range selected in the Date slicer represents the Reporting Period.