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Metadata Signals in tyGraph

tyGraph Collects a wide range of metadata surrounding objects that allows you to provide specific and flexible context to insights in our experiences. In this article we will outline the portfolio of metadata that we collect today as well as nuances around what is supported. 


File Metadata

No tyGraph models include File metadata today but it is highly requested and is being considered for our roadmap.

Page Metadata

Page metadata is available in Multivalued SharePoint attributes only. Single value metadata will not be returned in tyGraph Pages today but is on our committed roadmap expected delivery by the end of Q1 2023

Yammer Thread Topics

All Yammer topics and tags are captured to a thread level in tyGraph for Yammer

Site Sensitivity Labels

The Dec 2022 release of tyGraph for SharePoint includes Site Labels allowing you to view your engagement on sites based on their label.

Community Is Official

Our next release of tyGraph for Yammer will include Official Yammer Communities.

User Metadata

A major part of the tyGraph backbone is our world class user intelligence. This allows us to taxonomize your people by a range of attributes. This includes:

  • Active Directory Attributes
  • Assigned Licenses
  • External HR Attributes

Bring Your Own User Metadata

Today you can augment User Metadata with your own data export please see this guide for how to do that.

User Attribute Options at tyGraph : Support