Bringing additional user data to tyGraph that is not in Entra ID? Are you exporting files and sending them to tyGraph Operations. As of Feb 2024 you no longer need to manually import data to tyGraph. Instead, if you store your export in SharePoint tyGraph Enterprise customers can have it retrieved automatically.
Each time tyGraph Runs it will connect to that file import it automatically. In future releases of AvePoint tyGraph there will be an experience where you can leave the file url and AvePoint will do the rest automatically.
Save File in SharePoint
You can save an excel file (xlsx only) anywhere in SharePoint and tyGraph Enterprise will pick up that file each collection cycle.
Format: The file must contain an "Email" column on the left edge. After that you can include a table with as many attributes you like in any order as long as they fit one of these names.
Copy File Location
Open your Excel File once it is in your desired place in SharePoint.
- Click "File"
- Click "Info"
- Click "Copy Path"
Send Location Path to AvePoint
Email path to [email protected] and title the request. "HR Export Connection Request"
Acceptable Column Names
Email | *Email is required* | |
Address | OrgLevel01 | Attribute01 |
City | OrgLevel02 | Attribute02 |
ZipPostalCode | OrgLevel03 | Attribute03 |
StateProvince | OrgLevel04 | Attribute04 |
Country | OrgLevel05 | Attribute05 |
CountryCode | OrgLevel06 | Attribute06 |
Continent | OrgLevel07 | Attribute07 |
Building | OrgLevel08 | Attribute08 |
Organization | OrgLevel09 | Attribute09 |
Department | OrgLevel10 | Attribute10 |
JobTitle | ||
Division | ||
BusinessUnit | ||
ManagerEmail |
For AvePoint Operations
Please format the following url as follows:
{"SiteUrl":"","FolderPath":"sites/tygraphteam/Shared Documents/HRIS URL Import Test","FileName":"HRIS Import Test.xlsx","TokenResource":"","DestinationTableName":"tgAppData.HarvestHrisData"}