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tyGraph for SharePoint - Dev Blog

Here we list incremental changes, but you can find a complete outline of each report page in our Report Guide 

The latest version of tyGraph for SharePoint was Released in March 2024.


March 2024

The March 2024 release includes the following features and updates:

  • Addition of Site Geo Location
  • Hotfix to resolve PowerBI refresh issues caused by blank Web Templates

November 2023

Announcing the launch of tyGraph for Site Owners. tyGraph for Site Owners is a feature of tyGraph for SharePoint which allows the dataset to be secured so the signed in User only sees sites they own. This lets them focus on only the sites they care about and also allows intranet owners to share reports to 1,000s of people without worrying about oversharing data. 

September 2023

This update includes the following improvements and some new features.

  • Harvest Date reporting

    Multiple sources that feed the tyGraph for SharePoint reports, primarily the Audit Log and M365 Usage Reports. Most of the visuals are based on the Audit Log data and only a few visuals reference the Usage Report data. "Data As Of" indicator under the date slicer is now changed to only look at the last activity date from the Audit Log data. The visuals/metrics that reference the Usage Report dates are highlighted in yellow in the below screenshots and may have a different "Data As Of" date. This is because of the nature of the Usage Report APIs. The Usage Reports are available only up to last 48 hours as of the moment of harvest, whereas the Audit Log data is up to the moment of harvesting.

  • Legend HR Categories optimization

    Optimization to support multiple attribute values.

  • Composite Model capability with tyGraph products from AppSource

    Mixing multiple tyGraph data models together (or other data sources) using the Composite Model feature is now available for the tyGraph for SharePoint product using a dataset installed from AppSource. Historically, mixing datasets only worked for manually installed tyGraph product PBIX files. Below are a couple of reference articles.

    Mixing tyGraph with Other Sources in Power BI : Support
    Use composite models in Power BI Desktop - Power BI | Microsoft Learn

  • Site Owners

    New data table is now available in the data model; Site Owners. The Site Details and the drill-through Site Details pages contain new visuals that displays the site Admins/Owners.

December 2022

The December update is packed with user experience improvements, data exploration enhancements, and a streamlined slick user interface that is easier to read for everyone.

Wildcard Parameters - Power BI Workspace:

  • This new feature provides exceptional filtering abilities at a report level. By configuring the parameters in the settings located in the Power BI workspace you can specify URL names that you would like the report to filter by and also if those names are to be applied as a filter in wildcard format. Which will display all URLS that contain the specified name.
  • For instructions on how to configure the settings for this new feature please refer to this how to article Setting URL Name as a Wild Card Parameter in tyGraph for SharePoint : Support 

AA Accessibility Theme:

  • Fonts and colors have been adjusted to be in line to meet the standards set for AA accessibility by the WCAG. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (

  • This makes our reports a lot easier to read for everyone and creates a clearer crisp presentation of information.

Field Parameter - General Definition:

  • Field parameters allow users to dynamically change the measures or dimensions being analyzed within a report. This is a new feature in Power BI and can be enabled in the File / Options / Preview Features menu. This powerful new feature has been added to four tabs within this report: Page Audience, External Activity, Site Detail and File Type Activity tabs. And contains the user attributes from the user table, this user data is loaded from your organizations Azure active directory, for more detailed information about user attributes please see this article User Attribute Selections : Support ( 

Site Sensitivity Label Included in The Following Existing Visualizations: 

  • Report Tab: Site Collection Summary. Visual: Engaged Site Collection Activity
  • Report Tab: Content Navigator. Visual: Category
  • Report Tab: Page/File Detail. Visual: Top File Activity matrix. And added label to the drill through page File/Page Detail
  • Report Tab: Inactive Content. Visual: Primary Table
  • Report Tab: External Activity. Visual: External Usage by Site.

Search Field:

  • Generic search field text box that allows for filtering by one keyword. This will filter all visualizations on the current page by the word entered and is now present on every report page.

Content Overview Page:

  • This new visual has been added - SharePoint site file activity hierarchy by unique file users' totals
  • A matrix style visualization that allows one to sort SharePoint sites by the most unique file users and using the plus symbols for each site drill down into the underlying file and site hierarchies that exist.

Page Audience Page:

  • A dynamic matrix that is configurable by using the User Attributes slicer which alters what rows display totals for the given columns regarding SharePoint page views and the change in users viewing those pages. This utilizes the new Power Bi feature 'Field Parameters' which contains user attributes, for detailed information about user attributes please read this article User Attribute Selections : Support (

Site Detail Page:

  • File Activity Line Chart was added to this page.

  • This line chart utilizes the new power bi feature - field parameters, and you can now filter external users file activity by numerous different types of file attributes and by a dynamic date X-Axis. See the "Compare By" and "X-Axis" slicers.

External Activity Page:

  • A slicer configured with different 'User Types' was added to the header of this report.

  • This drop-down slicer allows for filtering of all visualizations on the external activity page by User Types that have been populated in each entity's respective Azure tenants. See Microsoft articles for user type definitions.

  • External Activity Line Chart incorporating the new field parameter data slicer. 

  • A new line chart that can be filtered using the "Legend" and "X Axis" slicers, allowing for dynamic date and activity comparisons. Showcasing external activity by SharePoint site types.

  • New site owner Matrix

  • This matrix has been added to the External Activity report tab.
  • It displays information on Site Owner with the related active status, type, site sensitivity label, activity count and user counts.

File Type Activity Page:

  • Total Activity Dynamic Line Chart.

  • A modified line chart that can be configured by using the following slicers: User Attributes, X-Axis which manipulates the dates, and finally the Activity Type slicer.

  • File Action by User Attribute Matrix Filtered by User Attribute Slicer:

  • This matrix has been added to the File Type Activity tab along with the User Attribute slicer which utilizes the new Power BI feature "Field Parameters". This a powerful new feature enables dynamic filtering and comparisons of many different attributes (fields) within the below matrix allowing for exceptional data exploration.

New Data As Of Calculation

  • Enhanced the 'Data As Of' indicator to base it on the latest file activity date, vs. the summary (Usage Report) date. In some cases, the harvest cycle spans a few days and the latest file/page activity gets harvested at the beginning of the cycle. By the time everything is processed and refreshed into the reports, the detail level data for the last few days may not have made it.

March 2022

A number of minor fixes and improvements in this update.

User Experience Improvements:

  • Added more demo data

  • Hid fields not required for reporting

  • Applied appropriate formatting to measures

  • New Data filter for detail dates - Because the SharePoint model brings in a prescribed amount of detail data the full history of a files activity may be cut off. To prevent confusion we tied the top date slider to the max date you could have data.

  • Removed the All Time Page Views and All Time Pages Viewed measures in preparation for different roadmap items.


User Extension Attribute Filter:

Some customers synchronize their on-premise Active Directory extension attributes with Azure Active Directory using Azure AD Connect using schema extensions. We now have the capability to harvest those extensions and display them in our reports. The harvesting feature is turned off by default. If you would like to turn on this feature, please contact us via Help Desk.

You will notice two new filters in the Filters pane, User Extension Name and User Extension Value, where you will be able to filter on the custom AD extensions.

January 2022

This release we focused on solidifying an inventory of All Sites along with adding signals to further categorize them. We also added a few new parameters to the dataset options.

New Parameters:

This release we added 4 new parameters to better fine-tune the data being imported into the report. If you notice that your dataset is too large or you simply need to scope the reports down to a particular user audience and timeframe, you can now specify a User Column Name to filter, such as "User Country", then specify a list of semi-colon delimited value(s) into the User Column Value(s) parameter, such as "United States; Canada"

The other new parameters are related to the number of detail and summary months of data to bring in. The following three reports are driven by the Summary Period. All of the other reports are constrained by the Detail Period.

  • Executive Summary
  • Site Collection Summary
  • External Activity

The default values are 1 month of detail, and 6 months of summary.

Page View Optimization:

We reduced query overhead of the Page View calculation and expanded the condition to consider page views against all file types not just .aspx pages. This supports the capturing of page views against a specific page file or redirecting urls pointing to it. This includes the base URL of a site that redirects to the declared home page.

New Site Information:

You can now identify sites based on three new attributes. This can aid in compliance, content management, and governance.

  • Group IsEmailEnabled
  • Group Is Private
  • Group IsSecurityEnabled
  • Sensitivity Label

External Detail in All User Attributes:

Sometimes users do not have attributes assigned to them like Country or Business Unit. Previously we identified these users with the text <No Information> so that you could see we are still counting users just we had no categorization for them in the given attribute.

Now we have added further detail separating out External Users as their own category. This serves as a good reminder that External users are included in the tyGraph for SharePoint dataset, and you can even have external activity included within visuals. Also external users will rarely have a Country, Business Unit, or Divisional association (since they're not from your tenant) so we wanted to further distinguish them from internal users that just have no HR attribute.

December 2021

New Content Navigator Report:

With this new layout you can explore your hubs and their sites in a cohesive tree structure. 

New Hub Site Information

We are happy to announce that we are mapping hub sites in the SharePoint model. This can be used as a filter, visual element or category in any detailed visuals.